
Fully Extendable

Revolution EDA is written in Python, utilising shared-source model. It is easy to extend with both open-source or closed-source add-ons. Python is the lingua-franca of machine learning and data-science with unmatched breadth and depth of ready-to-use libraries.

Open File Formats

Revolution EDA uses JSON formatted, plain-text files for data storage. By removing dependencies on a database, it removes the single, most-important point of failure in EDA systems. This also allows introduction of git as a version control system.


Revolution EDA will make it easy for any design team to use the full-power of the cloud infrastructure by offering ready-to-use VMs. Revolution EDA is a part of Microsoft for Startups Program.


Revolution EDA is free and open-source. We invite the developers to extend the functionality by free and paid plugins to cater the demands of integrated circuit designers.

By Engineers for Engineers

Revolution EDA was created by experienced integrated circuit designers who have worked with commercial tool flows for decades. We are not open-source zealots but believe that affordability and extendibility is the future of electronic design automation.

Recent News

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Revolution EDA is supported by Netherlands RVO Agency

Huissen, the Netherlands - Revolution EDA, a startup in electronic design automation industry, has been accepted into the WBSO R&D tax credit program of RVO for 2023. WBSO tax credit is given to the companies located in the Netherlands to stimulate innovation. Revolution EDA is grateful for the support of RVO in support of Revolution EDA development, an shared-source electronic design automation software for professional integrated circuit developers.

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