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Revolution EDA Launches Version 0.4, Offering Enhanced Features for Electronic Design Automation

Revolution EDA version 0.4

Huissen, the Netherlands - Revolution EDA, a leading provider of open-source electronic design automation (EDA) tools, has launched version 0.4 of its software, offering enhanced features for electronic design automation.

The new version includes several key improvements, including a new schematic editor that supports hierarchical designs, config view editor for enhanced functionality in netlisting designs and python labels that offer the full power of Python language to Process Design Kit (PDK) developers.

“We are glad to announce the launch of version 0.4 of Revolution EDA,” said Murat Eskiyerli, Founder. “We haveworked tirelessly to develop a tool that is both powerful and accessible to designers of all levels. We believe that version 0.4 will be the start of a new era for the EDA industry and will help to democratize access to electronic design tools.”

About Revolution EDA: Revolution EDA is a leading provider of open-source electronic design automation (EDA) tools. The company’s software is designed to be accessible and customizable, making it an ideal choice for designers and developers of all levels. Revolution EDA is committed to innovation, accessibility, and community, and has built a strong following among users who value these principles.

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