Revolution EDA Launches Version 0.4, Offering Enhanced Features for Electronic Design AutomationAll Posts  

A new version of Revolution EDA is now ready

Revolution EDA version 0.5

Huissen, the Netherlands – Revolution EDA, a cutting-edge software solution for schematic and symbol editing in custom integrated circuit design, proudly announces the release of version 0.5. This new iteration brings a host of improvements that empower engineers and designers with advanced capabilities, making circuit design more efficient and flexible than ever before.

The latest version of Revolution EDA introduces several notable enhancements:

  1. Flexible Symbol Creation: Revolution EDA now enables the creation of symbols with both common attributes and instance parameters. Additionally, instance parameters can be Python functions, facilitating dynamic parameter calculation for each instance. This versatility offers unprecedented flexibility for circuit designers.
  2. Automated Symbol Generation: Symbols can now be automatically generated from schematics and Verilog-A modules. Engineers can effortlessly incorporate circles, lines, rectangles, and arches into their symbols. Notations and labels can also be added using Normal labels, streamlining the design process.
  3. Enhanced Verilog-A Symbols: Revolution EDA distinguishes itself with a clear separation between model and instance parameters in Verilog-A symbols. This separation ensures seamless integration and comprehensive control over the design elements.
  4. JSON-based File Formats: The software adopts JSON-based file formats, allowing easy inspection and editing with a text editor if required. This accessibility promotes transparency and facilitates collaboration within design teams.
  5. Configurable Netlisting Process: Revolution EDA simplifies the netlisting process by offering a config view, akin to commercial tools. This innovative feature empowers designers to select different views for simulation, customizing the netlisting experience to their specific requirements.
  6. Hierarchical Netlisting Capability: With the introduction of hierarchical netlisting, designers gain the ability to organize and structure their designs efficiently. Although primarily designed for Xyce, Revolution EDA’s hierarchical netlisting capability offers future adaptability for broader usage.
  7. Advanced Python Functionality: Labels now support Python functions, unlocking the full power of Python for instance callbacks. This feature enables the creation of professional front-end process design kits, empowering designers to leverage the versatility of Python within Revolution EDA.
  8. Intuitive Library Browser: Revolution EDA boasts a user-friendly library browser, providing easy navigation and management of libraries, cells, and cell views. Engineers can effortlessly create, rename, copy, and delete their design elements, enhancing overall productivity.
  9. Configuration Parameter Management: Version 0.5 enables the saving of configuration parameters in a dedicated configuration file. This functionality streamlines the design process, allowing for convenient access and reuse of essential parameters.
  10. Comprehensive Logging: Revolution EDA now includes a detailed log file that captures error, warning, and info messages. This logging functionality ensures thorough documentation and facilitates efficient debugging, ultimately enhancing the overall design experience.

Revolution EDA version 0.5 is a testament to our commitment to continuous improvement and innovation. By incorporating valuable feedback from our esteemed user base, we have created a powerful tool that transforms the way custom integrated circuits are designed.

To learn more about Revolution EDA and its features, please visit [website]. For inquiries and further information, please contact [contact details].

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Revolution EDA Launches Version 0.4, Offering Enhanced Features for Electronic Design AutomationAll Posts  

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