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Revolution EDA Joins Microsoft for Startups Program to Accelerate Growth and Innovation

Microsoft for Startups programme logo

Huissen, the Netherlands - Revolution EDA, a startup in electronic design automation industry, has been accepted into the Microsoft for Startups program. The program is designed to help early-stage companies accelerate their growth and innovation through access to Microsoft’s resources and technology.

Revolution EDA is dedicated to rejuvenating the innovation in electronic design automation market. The company’s team has already made significant progress towards achieving their goals, and they believe that partnering with Microsoft for Startups will help them take their company to the next level.

“We are honoured to be accepted into the Microsoft for Startups program,” said Murat Eskiyerli, Founder of Revolution EDA. “Microsoft has a long history of supporting innovation and entrepreneurship, and we are excited to have access to their technology and resources. We believe that this partnership will help us achieve our mission and create even more value for our customers.”

As part of the program, Revolution EDA will have access to Microsoft’s cloud services, tools, and solutions, as well as technical support and mentorship from Microsoft’s experts. The program also provides opportunities for networking and collaboration with other startups and Microsoft’s broader community.

Revolution EDA joins a growing community of startups in the Microsoft for Startups program, which has helped thousands of companies worldwide since its inception. The program provides startups with the tools and resources they need to grow and innovate, with a focus on empowering diverse and inclusive entrepreneurship.

About Revolution EDA: Revolution EDA is a leading provider of open-source electronic design automation (EDA) tools. The company’s software is designed to be accessible and customizable, making it an ideal choice for designers and developers of all levels. Revolution EDA is committed to innovation, accessibility, and community, and has built a strong following among users who value these principles.

  • business
  • startup
  • microsoft

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